Ever gone on vacation or left town for a few months? The question is always, what do I do with all the stuff in my refrigerator? It is scary to think of the congealed masses in forgotten Tupperware and the curdled soymilk hidden behind the gallon of nettle infusion. And don’t get me started on the wall of condiments that live in the door. I could have a dinner party. In fact, I did invite a friend over the other night in an attempt to clean out the refrigerator. When she wasn’t looking I slipped many different questionable items into her canvas tote. See, she came over with a tote filled with leftovers, trying to get me to eat them so they wouldn’t go to waste, so counter productive! Over the course of that evening I managed to clean out the freezer and a few half-used items in the pantry.
A trash bag and a few happy neighbors later, my refrigerator is looking pretty good. The condiments will make it till September and the baking soda can keep them company. I left a few beers in the door, for that day when I return from the unbearably long road trip from Alaska. One year of Grad School down, one to go!